Day-to-DayFunny Stories

Two Shots

Tequila shots lined up with lime and salt Two Shots

We live two blocks from the newest CMQ hospital, the first private hospital in northern Banderas Bay.  It just happened to end up that way, but let me tell you, we are quite content to live so near to such modern, world class medical services.  In case of emergency, it’s comforting to know we are within moments of receiving top notch care. We recently had occasion to utilize non-emergency services when Dennis had an unfortunate encounter with some kind of biting insect.  Both his hands were covered with bites, which, over several hours, caused big, red-circle welts and swelling sausage fingers, accompanied by very serious itching.  After a full day and night it became so unbearable that he decided to visit the emergency department at the hospital.  In the early morning we arrived to an empty waiting room, a pleasant bilingual receptionist, and a bright, airy lobby.  Appropriate paperwork was completed and we were escorted into an examination room.  After visually checking Dennis’ hands and asking probing questions, the doctor (a young, brilliant and stunningly attractive lady) asked if he would be OK to take a shot.  Dennis was elated!  Wow!  We knew retirement in Bucerias was going to be a dream come true, but who would have thought when you visit emerge they’ll ask if you want a complimentary tequila shot?? “Sure!”, he says, “I don’t use salt but I’d appreciate a slice of lime, please.”
Well, it turns out that’s not what they had in mind.  Dennis figured out fairly quickly what was really going on when the doctor asked him to drop his pants.  It was two shots, in fact – needles in the butt, that is. 
After all was said and done, with written instructions to take to the pharmacy, we were on our way back home.  But not without first stopping at the lovely café in the hospital lobby.  We hadn’t yet had our morning fix, so the caffeine and sweet offerings were a nice reward, especially for the poor guy with sore hands, and the now sore derriere.