Day-to-DayLeisure Sports

Bici Bucerias

We don’t own bicycles ourselves, but every day we see others soaking up Bucerias on two wheels.  Families, groups, couples or singles, it’s really a great way to move from place to place, or to get off the beaten track and discover the area’s hidden gems. Perhaps if you own property here, you also have a bike.  Short-term visitors might say, “But who packs their bicycle on vacation?”  Not to worry.  We know the solution.

Bici Bucerias Bike Rentals and Tours has everything you and your group need.  Located in Bucerias across from the Royal DeCameron, they proudly offer rentals for leisure, scenic food tours, and for the more serious cyclist, custom routes covering many kilometers of dramatic views; jungle, mountains, and of course, the magical coastline of Banderas Bay.

Owners, Joel and Jillian Goralski, moved their family in 2013, from Calgary, Alberta. They learned of Bucerias after vacationing with Joel’s parents. Jillian explained, “After the kids were born, she (Joel’s mother) started hearing about Bucerias with expats, the beach was a little quieter (than Puerto Vallarta) and she suggested we visit and check it out. Our daughter was one and a half years old, and our son almost three.”

Fast Forward to The Big Move 2013

It Seems They Liked Bucerias

Unlike many of us, the Goralski’s did not move here having already retired, and they immediately set about earning a living by offering a service that did not already exist.

Dennis asked, “How did it all evolve?”

Jillian explained, “Joel is an entrepreneurial fellow. We owned a development company in Calgary, so it’s kind of hard to shake that out. He is also an avid cyclist, and when we came he thought, oh, maybe I should check that out. He started pestering people (friends) to come. We had a vacation rental and had a few things going before we made the move.”

The April before arriving permanently, Joel did a “dry run” with two guests. It passed the test! Starting small, they had four bikes and no need for a shop.

Joel added, ” Yeah, beer money, something to do. It paid the bills, and blossomed into a business.”
Jillian continued, “People would notice we had road bikes because it’s not often seen here, or at least it wasn’t. They asked, ‘You can ride here? Isn’t it dangerous?’ On the contrary, “Drivers are extremely respectful to cyclists.”

Their initial thought was to give it a try for one year…of course, they’re still here, as is a common theme with many expat Bucerians.

“People were coming here just wanting to ride once, so they’re not drinking and eating all day. You need to service that person with a decent bike. ‘Bring your pedals and shoes and we’ll get you on a bike,’ morphed into needing a physical shop. The house came for rent and we decided it would make a good shop.”

Lázaro Cárdenas, #40

“Every year it was kind of like a snowball. We started off doing the road tours, and we love to eat food and drink good wine and beer, so we’re like, well, what if we sort of morphed cycling and a food stopping tour?”

They now have over fifty bicycles and helmets, and run their tours year round.

Let’s break it down:

Bike rentals at your convenience.  Want to rent bikes for a day? The week?  Done.

Want to join a food tour?  Your Bici Bucerias guide will deliver you to unique eateries where you’ll stay hydrated and well fed.  Any level of rider can enjoy the food tour, and there are vegetarian and vegan options.

Are you more adventurous?  Three different long-distance tours are available, to keep you healthy and happy while enjoying your vacation under blue skies and green canopies.

Jillian reminisced, “The first time to Bucerias, Lázaro was cobbled stone, and there was a bunch of donkeys and some roosters and chickens. It was awesome, and so different. We stayed at this end of town, (south-west), and our first meal was at Karen’s (Place). We love Bucerias and it kind of makes us giddy. I always say, Bucerias has got a little bit of magic in it so you have to be careful when you come visit here because you might never leave. We’re so delighted that we get to live here and managed to find something that allows us to stay here and earn a living. We say it all the time, still, after seven years.”

Just when you think you’ve got the story about Joel and Jillian, we have more news. They are busy with a number of projects and you’ll want to check out what else they have on the go, including a chance to win a week in beautiful Bucerias: – Promoting Bucerias and Bahía de Banderas. This is where you’ll “Follow” to win your week in paradise. – Created by the Goralski’s, this site will set you up with a cycling guide, worldwide. – Come, stay, allow yourself to experience an ultimate vacation.