A Mural for All – Beautifying Bucerias
Months ago, a call went out for the use of Bucerias’ public facing walls.
Hearts for Arts Nayarit was planning a first annual event, the Bucerias Urban Mural Project, or BUMP, to take place in September 2022, and Bucerias’ walls were being sought as canvasses for a number of murals. Hearts for Arts Nayarit is a local non-profit program that focuses on access to art education. The events organized by the Hearts for Arts Nayarit board help to sponsor and support opportunities for students and local artists.
Hearts for Arts Nayarit – https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083455712440
Leading up to the event, Hearts for Arts Nayarit received applications from wall owners, and muralists were matched to locations. Five lucky recipients were notified their wall had been chosen for a mural…one being OUR house!
The theme was “The Independent Lives of Nayarit’s Flora and Fauna,” coinciding with Mexico’s Independence Day, September 16.
On September 15, the initial day of the event, we were introduced to our artist, Rafa. He travelled more than ten hours by bus to get to Bucerias. His focus and determination was remarkable during his painting in the constant heat. Rafa practices various types of artistic mediums and participates in several art festivals in and outside of Mexico.
Each muralists had just three days to complete their murals, and it was magical to see each creation progress from day to day.
As part of the celebration, Refuge of Hope and Hearts for Arts Nayarit partnered up to provide fun and games for many neighbourhood children, including arts and crafts, face painting, a clown show, and delicious snacks.
If that wasn’t enough excitement, to wrap up the successful event, Christie Beguesse from Hearts for Arts Nayarit, the artists, and some of the wall owners celebrated at El Bunker Beach House, where Eduardo and his team put on a fabulous seafood spread.
Thank you Hearts for Arts Nayarit and sponsors, for organizing this wonderful beautification project that engages members of the community in such a special way – public art naturally and dramatically reaches so many. We appreciate our house being chosen as a recipient, and although we refer to it as “ours”, it really is a mural for all.
Bucerias Life in the Slow Lane will highlight two of the participating artists in upcoming articles. In the meantime, visit each location to appreciate the murals in person.
Mural Locations
Refuge of Hope – Miguel Hidalgo Lote 2 (near the pickleball courts) https://m.facebook.com/refugeofhopebucerias/ or http://refugeofhope.com
Diseno Natural and ARTsi Galeria – Heroes de Nacozari 2, corner of Esteban Vaca Calderon
Diseno Natural – disenonatural717@gmail.com ARTsi Galeria – contact@artsiplace.com
Salon Divas – Melchor Ocampo 51 divasrivieranayarit@gmail.com or http://divasrivieranayarit.com
Please note, some of these photos are not my own. I include them here today with thanks to the individual artists, Horace Smith, and various parties that posted on social media.