Earth Day in Bucerias
Did you celebrate our planet on April 22nd? What did you do?
I joined the Bucerias Heart Tiles group and walked through town picking up garbage. It doesn’t sound like much fun, but it really was! You see, the Bucerias Heart Tiles group is headed up by Marshall Parker, who introduced a twist to this Earth Day clean-up…a scavenger hunt!
Read our article, published March 25, 2021, about the community game Marshall invented:
As we swept the streets, Marshall released clues throughout the morning indicating where “players” might find game tiles.
Some of the participants…
The kids from Manos de Amor were a big help, and each found at least one tile.

Look what we bagged…
Marshall – “3 hours and more hands than I can count…over 40 bags of trash, sorted and recycled!”
Havent joined the Bucerias Heart Tiles Facebook group yet? What are you waiting for?
Click this link:
Earth Day should be every day – pass it on!