Hopscotch and Other Changes

A few days ago I was gobsmacked over a forgotten memory. There are many decades between then and now, and I enjoy my daily life here in Bucerias, but every so often I’m triggered back to what seemed like a gentler time. A time of childhood purity, where play and the imagination was everything, right up until your mom called you home for dinner…and I don’t mean by cellphone. I’m talkin’ an old fashioned holler.

I mentioned to Dennis, “I’m thinking of adding a skipping rope to my fitness routine.” (which doesn’t quite exist as yet…these things need to be given great thought before executing) He drolly replied, “Would you like some sidewalk chalk to go along with it? Maybe play some hopscotch?”
“Hopscotch?!?,” I squealed, dreamily remembering what it was like to be 7, 8, 9, or 10 years old. “Wow, that was a long time ago.”
I subsequently googled hopscotch, simply to remind me of the gist. I knew we drew boxes with numbers in them, and we threw a thingy and had to jump using one or both feet as we hopped our way through the numbered squares to retrieve said thingy…I think.
I waited on Google with giddy anticipation…oh, to relive great times spent with great buddies, memories flooding back, all about childhood play, prior to any deadlines and commitments, (thank you Bob Seger).

My delight quickly turned to disappointment as the internet showed me “hopscotch” is now ” A coding app for kids to make games, stories, art, and more.”
My, my, how things have evolved. I still like the old hopscotch best, and I’ll let you know how the skipping goes.

Speaking of changes rolling around, we’re pretty excited to observe the ’23-’24 high season unfold…restaurants are reopening after a summer hiatus, a few newly renovated, and all preparing to welcome Bucerias visitors. Buses line Avenida Las Palmas, and folks explore the area on foot. Some neighbours on our street have recently arrived for the winter, with more coming over the next few weeks. Yay!
To welcome the new season, Bucerias Life in the Slow Lane is pleased to introduce two new columns to our menu.
“Books, Music and Videos” – Launching soon, look for highlights of our recommended reading material, local musicians, and engaging videos.
And, our friend Robin once said, “Everybody has a story and I like to learn about people’s chapters.” Us too, Robin! We’re preparing to publish interesting stories of our community members under the title, “Today I Met…” Stay tuned!
We thank you for reading and following, and we look forward to sharing the next few months with you. Wherever you are, embrace every day, keep the memories alive, and remember to play like a kid whenever you have the opportunity.