How to Meet New Friends
I firmly believe in the old phrase, “always put your best foot forward,” and I genuinely try to do just that. There are many situations where one should put their best foot forward. In my books, introducing yourself is one of them.

We feel, like many of you, that we are ambassadors to Bucerias, always ready to chat with strangers for an opportunity to speak highly of our beautiful town. In fact, we are often asked by mutual acquaintances, friends and family members to meet travellers new to Banderas Bay who have questions about living here. And, we’re quick to strike up a welcoming conversation if it’s obvious we’ve crossed paths with Bucerias first-timers. We’ve formed many friendships through these interactions, and some of our friends, who once were strangers, have since purchased real estate here.
Best foot forward has its benefits.
That said, perhaps I have misnamed this story. Having been the star in a couple of recent introductions, there is no doubt both my feet were facing in the wrong direction.
The Celery Incident

Muscle memory was not on my side. In our old house, I used to throw food scraps from our third floor kitchen into the empty lot adjacent, knowing the treats wouldn’t be there long. Some meandering creature like an iguana or street dog would come along to enjoy vegetable peels or rib bones.
In our new apartment, there is also empty land right beside our building. One day early on, finding some celery in our fridge that was a little soft for my liking, I immediately marched over to the balcony and threw it over. Continuing with dinner preparations, we moved forward, having our meal and subsequently retiring to the balcony to watch the sky. I peered over the railing to the ground floor pool and spotted a celery stick sitting at the edge. How did that get there??
I later learned my celery toss landed with a splash right next to a rather rotund neighbour as he was swimming about. I was horrified! Of course, the distance from the third floor to the ground in our new location is interrupted by the pool, something I didn’t take into account. Anyway, after I attempted to apologize using Spanglish, the man has forgiven me. Just like I forgive him for walking around our entire apartment complex wearing only his tighty-whities. Every. Single. Day.
The Nothing But a Towel Episode
I volunteer for the Amigos de Bucerias in their recycling program, for about three hours every Monday morning. As the start to that day is, for me, too early for coffee, (plus, having limited washroom stops along the route), I skip it once a week.
One Monday, post-recycling and after what is always the best shower of the week, I decided to indulge and make myself a coffee, con irish cream…

With the aroma of fresh java swirling, I stepped just outside the front door to toss grinds into the nearby garbage can, and, the door silently closed behind me, automatically locking. I’m now standing outside facing the street, in the glare and extreme heat of the penetrating sun, and banging on the door loud enough for Dennis to hear at the other end of the apartment.
A couple who lives next door happened to come strolling by, and I gave them a pathetic grimace. Did I mention I was wearing only my bath towel, which is probably a bit too small to wrap around my entire girth? This particular couple has Ontario licence plates, and we’ve been meaning to make their acquaintance for a couple of weeks. I just figured I would be fully dressed when that time came. No. Instead, we exchanged pleasantries, including my explanation for why I’m standing outside, wrapped in a towel and banging on the door. These days they just smile and nod, and pick up the pace.
Alright, alright, I officially change the name of this story to “How NOT to Make Friends.” Agreed?