International Women’s Day – Celebration for the Soul
Today, in recognition of International Women’s Day, we offer thoughts from our only male guest columnist in the series. Cesar Medina, a local musician and artist. He describes himself as “an information addict,” and as such, is well read. Check out Cesar’s website or find him on Instagram
Thank you, Cesar, for allowing us to share your perspective. And, many thanks for supplying the Spanish version!
As a man, when thinking about childbirth, I can’t help but tremble as I poorly imagine feeling such pain and being able to endure it like a woman. And women endure that and much more. In the prehistoric era, and for a few thousand years, tribal matriarchy was the norm, not the exception. And that feminine control emanated, mainly, from the ancient mystery of conception. Women were bosses, matriarchs, goddesses.
The man, perhaps spurred on by his weaknesses, managed to change history and maintain a patriarchy for another several thousand years in turn. And this is not over yet, despite the indomitable efforts of women to break the current system.
Personal or public anniversaries are considered individually in various ways. Some celebrate them, others suffer them, those others don’t even care. There are those who claim to hate their own birthday. The truth is that everyone has the right to live a special date as they see fit. Some even, as I myself hail, ask that on the day of our death our life be celebrated and not that our departure be suffered. I would appreciate a big farewell party.
As a free-thinking and independent human being, I have always decided to embrace progress, independence, and freedoms for all, and I emphasize ALL my fellow human beings. And of course, I feel happiness and joy for all women on their International Day, regardless of whether the origin of that date is painful or not.
Precisely, if the path has been difficult to achieve a goal, that does not mean we will have to save or maximize that pain. It is then time to celebrate. Every woman who celebrates the birth of her child forgets the nine months of anguish, of dizziness, of burden, of pain.
Celebrate women, regardless of the arduous path, celebrate every achievement, whether small or huge. Celebrate that here is a man who applauds you and who celebrates women’s civil and human progress.
Como hombre, al pensar en el parto, no puedo menos que temblar al pobremente imaginar sentir tal dolor y poder soportarlo como toda una mujer. Y las mujeres, soportan eso y mucho más. En la era prehistórica, y por algunos miles de años, el matriarcado tribal era la norma, no la excepción. Y ese control femenino emanaba, principalmente, del antiguo misterio de la concepción. Las mujeres eran jefas, matriarcas, diosas.
El hombre, tal vez azuzado por sus debilidades, se las ingenió para cambiar la historia y mantener un patriarcado por otros miles de años a su vez. Y éste, aún no ha terminado, a pesar del esfuerzo indomable de la mujer por romper el sistema actual.
Las efemérides personales o públicas son consideradas individualmente de diversas maneras. Algunos las celebran, otros las sufren, aquellos otros, ni siquiera les importa. Hay quienes afirman odiar su propio día de cumpleaños. Los cierto es que cada quién tiene el derecho de vivir una fecha especial como mejor le parezca. Algunos incluso, como yo mismo aclamo, pedimos que el día de nuestra muerte sea celebrada nuestra vida y no que sea sufrida nuestra partida. Yo agradecería una gran fiesta de despedida.
Como un ser humano libre pensador e independiente, he decidido siempre, abrazar el progreso, la independencia, y libertades de todos, y enfatizo TODOS mis semejantes. Y por supuesto, que siento felicidad y gozo por todas las mujeres en su Día Internacional, sin importar si el origen de esa fecha es doloroso o no.
Precisamente, si el camino ha sido penoso para lograr un objetivo, no por eso habremos de guardar o maximizar esa pena. Es entonces el momento para celebrar. Toda mujer que celebra el nacimiento de su hijo se olvida de los nueve meses de pesares y angustias, de mareos, de carga, de dolor.
Celebren mujeres, sin importar el arduo camino, celebren cada logro sea pequeño o enorme. Celebren que aquí hay un hombre que les aplaude y que celebra su avance civil y humano.
Just a small sample of Cesar’s beautiful art work.