
July 1

Today is Canada’s 153rd birthday. It is where Dennis and I were born, where we raised our children, and where we worked and played until moving to Bucerias three years ago this month. We will celebrate accordingly once the 17th rolls around.

In the meantime, today we salute Canada and all Canadians!

Susan and Thomas Stiff, Collingwood, Ontario
Looking great, eh?? Hold my beer and lend me your hockey stick…please.

Another big celebration taking place today is my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary! Back in 1960, when they married, they decided to share responsibilities of making decisions…Dad would make all the big decisions, and Mom would make all the little ones. How did that work out for you, Dad? “Well,” he says, “apparently there haven’t been any decisions big enough for your mother to pass on to me yet.” Congratulations to Mike and Diane Sheridan for your lifelong love!!

Sandrina’s Restaurant is offering a special turkey dinner along with all the fixin’s to honour Canada Day, and the U.S. Independence Day. I ordered two meals for Sunday, and we starved ourselves for most of the day in anticipation…just before heading out to pick up our orders it suddenly hit me…Gee, I hope it’s this Sunday the turkey dinner is offered…um, no, it’s actually next Sunday, July 4th. Oh well, we have a whole week now to look forward to it!

Julio at Barchelata Beer Bar also offers a Canada Day menu. We’ve reserved for two, a plate of spicy ribs, coleslaw, potato salad, corn on the cob…oh, and maybe a couple of cold beers to wash it all down.

A couple of weeks ago we asked a Royal DeCameron security guard when they might reopen. He said two weeks. Yesterday we witnessed RDC staffers practicing their live show out on the street…they were sporting stilts and walking and jumping around like Cirque du Soleil acrobats. I stayed firmly planted on the ground in awe. Perhaps they’ll soon have a nightly audience to entertain in their theater.   

Happy Canada Day and Independence Day to you, wherever you might be.

2 thoughts on “July 1

  • Mike and Diane

    Hey, that looks like my wife and I enjoying drinks in P.V. Feb 2018

    • Kelly Wilson

      This March, at the roof top restaurant…
      Casa Elena’s?
      And Encore, yes, probably 2018.
      A handsome couple!

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