Monday Morning Musings
Some Monday morning musings. So very hard to think of anything that is not covid related. I am so tired of covid this and covid that, of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, including me. My covid related story is finally positive in nature. Nayarit has the green light. Almost a year to the day this all started, a year to the date that our friends and relatives were called home, the battle has waged and we are slowly winning.
In Line Secure Vaccines Dennis Waving
I got my first of 2 vaccinations yesterday. Lineup of about 20 minutes, couple of minutes to find me in the system, a jab in the arm, a 30 minute rest period and free to go. Pretty easy, pretty efficient and personally pretty positive. There is still a journey of course, but it is starting to be an easier climb!
Things Kelly Saw While Waiting for Dennis Giddy Up
Ever wondered about topes? With the state of most roads in Bucerias, who needs them? Firstly you scrape the undercarriage of your car getting over them, then you bottom out in that pothole that covers most of the road. The price we pay for the endless trucks to supply materials to the multiple construction projects in Bucerias, is the deterioration of our roads. A tip of the hat to local government as a road improvement project is now underway. A few weeks from now we will need those topes again.
We lost a colourful friend the other day. A part of the character of Bucerias, Victor from the tour office across from Royal Decameron, passed away suddenly and far too soon. Each time we passed the office, Victor would have something to say. Always humorous, never personal, much of it directed at himself. We will miss you!

With very few tourists this past year, many people have struggled. Periodically we drop a watermelon off at the Royal Decameron taxi stand. Taxi drivers are adult right? Add a watermelon to the mix. For a few minutes they are kids again. Seeds being spit in every direction. Life span of the watermelon was about 4 minutes from drop off. Good to have some fun!
Nice to read some positive news and catch up on life in Bucerias. it will be a challenging summer economically for many locals, hopefully the economy recovers next year. Sorry to hear about Victor. Keep the articles coming!
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