
No Place to Go and All Day to Get There

Some Monday morning musings, or as my wife is wont to say, Monday morning mutterings. By my count, this is day 37 of “STAY AT HOME”. Kind of like the grown up version of being grounded as teenagers. This time we have a better understanding of why we are marooned at home. This time there’s more to this than parents who misunderstood us.

One of the more recent changes to the restrictions in Nayarit, the state our Town of Bucerias finds itself in, is the maximum two persons in a car rule. Of course, this is using the vehicle for necessities only. Works for us, as there are only two of us. However, one person in the front, and the second person in the rear is kind of different. My wife thinks she is a rock star riding in the back of a limo. She has not articulated it as yet, but I know she is thinking I should dress a little more formally and wear some kind of hat whilst driving her to the local grocery store and back!

Social distancing made easy: For some time now I have needed a haircut. This has been pointed out to me on several occasions of late. Seems to be most important on those occasions we observe happy hour. It should be pointed out that like kids who are being home schooled, we are being home happy houred! Anyway, I finally caved. This morning I am sitting in my comfy office chair, in our garage, with a towel draped over my shoulders. My wife is poised with the beard trimmer to relieve me of some hair. She was not unlike a track star waiting for the starter’s pistol. Well, relieve me of some hair she did! It will grow back, hopefully, but during the interim I am not planning on being out of the house for a while. Like I said, social distancing made easy.

It is not my intention to make light of the seriousness of the pandemic. It is deadly serious. Never in our lifetimes have we dealt with something like it. It is my intention to take a short time out periodically and share a smile.

Our local economy is based on tourism. That ended like a bad movie in March. Many local families are struggling to buy food. The local support to provide some food for those tables is so unselfish, it is hard to view with dry eyes. We will continue to publish their contact information in the hopes that our followers are able to assist.