Should I Stay OR Should I Go…….

What a difference a few days makes. We have been looking forward to visits from family and friends for many months. That has all changed. They have all cancelled, and opted to remain in Canada for the time being. The pandemic has morphed into pandemonium. We have family members and friends who winter here each year. They are all scrambling to get earlier flights home, and by this time next week, they will have gone.
Naturally we are saddened by these recent events, but completely understand what being home means in troubling times. To those who are travelling during uncertain times, we wish you good health and godspeed. We are home in Bucerias. That is our choice. We are observing social distancing. Amazing how buzz words are born. My mom would have said, “Stay away from people.” Anyhow, social distancing it is.
We are starting to see people step forward locally. Bill and April Miton, business owners in Nuevo Vallarta, are offering to pick up unused food from folks who are returning early. They will pick it up from you and see that it gets delivered to someone who can use it. For more information contact them at Here in Bucerias, our very own Grant and Karen Swanson, owners of Banderas Bay Cart Rentals, are offering the same service. If your travel plans have changed, and you have left over food, call them at 322-148-9390, and they will send a cart your way. Great to see.

We at applaud these efforts. Please contact us with your story about those who step forward in trying times. We will be posting later today some health information from a local doctor who has been kind enough to be a guest columnist. We hope you will find her information about the virus to be timely and informative.
We will continue to publish regularly through this pandemic. We will not be conducting personal interviews, nor will we be posting “Bucerias Eats” until the virus has left town. Stay safe, everyone. Practice kindness and compassion wherever you can.
Hi Dennis & Kelly
We continue to enjoy the articles of your website as we read them back in Weyburn. We too sadly shortened our winter stay in Bucerias, However, we definitely enjoyed our winter with friends & family visits. This was highlighted by the warm climate, beautiful beach, beach bars, excellent food and of course happy hours. Thank You Dennis & Kelly for your friendship & hospitality over the winter, we especially enjoyed volunteering at the Migrant School. We Hope & Pray that we will all survive this pandemic and life will return to normal around the world in a few months.🙏🏼
Hope to see you back in Bucerias next winter.
Jerry & Janie
Hola! Thank you for your message, friends. We, too, enjoyed the winter fun. We will do it all again next year, but for a longer period of time – we were all robbed of time this year.
Be well and know we’re sending hugs.
K&D xo