Charity & Volunteering

Christmas Together

I haven’t been a Facebook user for very long, but it’s turning out to be a great way to learn things about our neighbours and community.  

I recently requested to befriend a “suggested” lady, whom it turns out spends her winters here in Bucerias.  We have not yet met, but became instant penpals, as she is warm and chatty, and I feel like we’re already friends.  I’m so delighted with what I’ve learned about her so far, I felt the need to share. Share. What an appropriate word. This is Pamela’s third winter here, hailing from British Columbia.  This is her second year hosting Christmas dinner for singles, as well as any others who may be a bit lonely on this special day.  

“This is my second annual. Last year there was no sign up so I never knew how many were coming. Some people brought dishes last year and some are this year but it is not a pot luck – I cook dinner and anyone from (the complex) can come.”  

This year there will be thirty guests.  I complimented Pamela on her good deed. She replied, “I’m no hero but I don’t want anyone left out at Christmas.”