
Bucerias, The East Side

Come on over to the east side, they say.

When last posted, Kelly and I were taking a bit of a time out from writing. We sold our home in Zona Dorada, and packed up our stuff. If any of you remember George Carlin and his rendition of “stuff”, well you get the idea. Stuff, like rabbits, multiply. Anyway, discovering stuff we had forgotten we had, discarding a bunch of single socks, packing it all up, some in storage, some in daily use, some in limbo. We are here. Our marriage survived, however, not without a few topes. During the sorting and packing, we were able to donate some of our stuff to Karen and Grant Swanson. They established the Refuge of Hope community centre a few years ago. They have now opened Women of Hope. Here is the link. What a great idea!

Some observations. Free range chickens has taken on a whole new meaning! Strutting roosters, mother hens, chicks of all sizes and colours. Horses and more horses. Some are tethered while they graze in any vacant lot with vegetation. Some are not tethered, and seem to be like the free range chickens. Motor bikes are everywhere. Like being ambidextrous, they are equally happy passing on either side of your car. Tacos, and more tacos. Delicious, affordable, always just up the street, always served with smiles!


Want to embark on a culinary discovery stroll? Try Matamoros. We feature eateries on our blog, and sampling the eateries on Matamoros would qualify as an Olympic Event! Just when we think we have found our new favourite foodie stop…how about we try this one tomorrow? Like the genie and the lamp, presto a new favourite spot!

Watching with interest the reconstruction of P. del Canal, or Canal Road as I know it. Will that be a new thoroughfare? Some months ago we chatted with Ezekiel of Culi’s and Tacos and Beer, and Fernando of Buclas Brewery. They raised the issue of public transportation. Currently the north south laterals are the only routes in Bucerias serviced by public transit. As roads improve, will the east side look to some form of transit?

Treated ourselves to breakfast at The Little Coffee on Matamoros this morning. Great way to start the day! Now we look forward to a relaxing evening watching another spectacular sunset. Kelly recently discovered the panorama feature on her camera. This picture is one of my favourites. Add a glass of wine and life is good!