February Health News from Pamela Thompson

February is our Heart Month where we focus on cardiac health. I like Mexican Valentine’s Day because it is “Dia de Amistad”, focusing on friends, family, loved ones – not just the romantic thing. Wherever you are, we hope you have a happy heart month!
February 11, 2020 Breakfast with a Geriatric Specialist, Dra. Monserratt 9.00 am Clinic Sanmare FINALLY! We have a wonderful, bilingual, vivacious geriatric specialist, Dra. Monserratt. She looks at the “whole” patient including a review of all medications taken and lots more. She is going to be one of the busiest physicians around very soon! Our Breakfast with Doctors programs are so popular. We gather around a large table and ask the physician questions – about their specialty, their backgrounds, and their ideas. Light breakfast treats provided. No Charge but RSVP is necessary!
February 13, 2020 “People Pleasers – The Emotional Burden it Carries” Jean Martin, Therapist 9.00 am Clinic Sanmare Many of us have been taught to serve in order to be loved, yet we seem to be trying so hard that many times we forget about ourselves and our own happiness which leads to anger and even depression. How do we find the balance? Jean has done several programs in the past and they are always very thought-provoking and insightful. And leave people wanting more!
RSVP please to pamela@healthcareresourcespv.com No Charge.
February 18, 2020
Atrial Fibrillation Dr. Carlos Hernandez
9.00 am Hospital San Javier Marina Dr. Carlos Hernandez is a Cardiologist as well as an Internist. He will speak on Atrial Fibrillation which though is common, can be frightening as well. Learn all of the facts! If you, or a loved one have atrial fibrillation we encourage you to attend! No charge. RSVP
February 20, 2020 “Am I Having a Heart Attack? Early Detection and Treatment Options” 9.00 am Dr. Santillan Hospital San Javier Marina Dr. Santillan is new to the San Javier group of physicians having moved here from Guadalajara. He is a cardiac interventionalist and as well, an internist. What is a cardiac interventionalist? (From Google😄) An interventional cardiologist is a cardiologist with one to two years of additional education and training in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease as well as structural heart conditions through catheter-based procedures, such as angioplasty and stenting. Very interesting topic! No charge. RSVP
February 27, 2020 Women and Heart Disease Dr. Adolfo Curiel
9.00 am Clinic Sanmare About 1 in 16 women age 20 and older (6.2%) have coronary heart disease, the most common type of heart disease. As well, women oftentimes present with very subtle and different symptoms than a man. And unfortunately, oftentimes they are not taken seriously! Oh, it is hormones! Oh, you are menopausal. Not so! Learn risks and treatments. RSVP
On February 12 and February 19, 2020 from 9.30 am to 11.00 am, stop by the lobby at Hospital San Javier Marina and have your blood pressure taken, glucose checked. No charge of course. Want a tour of the hospital? Just ask!
We just celebrated our ONE YEAR Anniversary at Clinic Sanmare. Hooray! We are so proud of the clinic and where we are right now. But of course, we outgrew the space after being open a few months. Watch for exciting new additions to us there!
There are NO clinics this month. The physicians are just way too busy and I cannot take one or two of their days for clinics this month. BUT we will do March and if I need to double up, we will. If you must have an appointment with one of the physicians/clinics, I am happy to make an appointment but it is regular price.
We continue with ongoing: Colonoscopy, MRI, CT scan, labs, Endoscopy – anything and everything you might need. All it takes is an email!
Our Men’s Checkups and Women’s Checkups are very popular! When was the last time you had a physical? For details, what is included, please send an email.
People ask where I am. I normally am at Hospital San Javier Marina from around 8am until I finish seeing all of the English speaking patients and then I dash across the street to Clinic Sanmare. That is why if you are looking for me, best to email first and we can set a time to meet! I am happy to do that.
We continue to help those less fortunate so any gently used clothing items, kitchenware, newborn clothes, newborn receiving blankets, crayons, color books, Ensure, school supplies…..honestly it is an endless list, we would appreciate anything. For a complete Wish List, just ask!
High Season is in FULL SWING! I cannot remember a winter where I have seen so many people on the street! Be kind. Be patient. And enjoy!
Thank you, Pamela Thompson