Hear and There!

Mid-August, many Nationals spend their summer vacation time going to the coast and enjoying the sand and ocean. Bucerias is no exception. Their numbers are dwindling as the younger ones need to prepare for returning to school. Many local businesses are taking advantage of the lull between the summer national tourist season, and the onset of those folks who start arriving in September and October for the winter season. Many are taking a well deserved break before the start of high season.
It continues to be rainy season. Hot, humid, some more heat and some more humidity. Trying to get dry after a shower…rolling your underwear on and off. Even your sweat glands have sweat glands it seems!
The pot holes are beyond believable. Almost impossible for the municipal crews to keep up as the relentless rains continuously wash pavement away. Fortunately the worst of them are appropriately signed.

A shout out to the local Asociacion de Colonos Zona Dorada. Their continued pressure on the municipality has resulted in many of the cobblestone streets in Zona Dorada being repaired.
Find the Asociacion de Colonos Zona Dorara Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Local-Service/Asociacion-de-Colonos-Zona-Dorada-101315131781194/

This crew was working at the intersection of Herradero and Charro. Thank you Jose, Hector and Moses!

One of our personal highlights living in Bucerias is the endless variety of food choices. Hugh and Simon of Luna Lounge and Simon’s Bistro fame, have brought Chamorro Express to Bucerias. Delicious, affordable, dine-in, take-out, home delivery. Well done!

Visited the local Sunday market to get some of that delicious local cheese from the folks who sell frutas y verduras. We went fairly early so it was pretty easy to maintain a distance. Pleasantly surprised to see the amount of people wearing masks.
Coming up to one of my favourite times of the year. Dia de la Independencia! In addition to it being a historic landmark in Mexico’s history, with much celebration, you can also get Chiles en nogada.

Find some info about Chiles en nogada here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiles_en-nogada
They serve delightful food all year round. This particular week, they put their best culinary foot forward! Diets are temporarily suspended.
September the 15th is the start of Restaurant Week 2021. Sponsored by Vallarta Lifestyles, it runs throughout the bay from September 15 to October 10. restaurantweekpv.com
Visit the Bucerias participants:
Sandrina’s Restaurant and Boutique restaurantweekpv.com/en/participantes/sandrinas-cocina-mediterranea-griega
Mark’s Bar and Grill https://restaurantweekpv.com/en/participantes/marks-bar-grill-bucerias

On Friday September 10th, we welcome Aaron and Jennah back! Cerveceria Bahia de Banderas will re-open. Some structural changes to the building will provide additional protection from the elements. Hard to break my habit of ordering a board of beer featuring Aaron’s five beers named after local beaches, followed up by a pint of stout. Not all habits are bad!
Exciting times as we have family members arriving soon for visits. Many winter friends have flights booked and reservations made. Life may never be the same thanks to Covid, but we are making adjustments and life does go on!