
Some Monday Musings

Some Monday morning musings, or, as my wife calls them, Monday morning mutterings. Get her another cup of coffee and she will be fine!

Quite recently the municipality painted most of the east side curb on Lazaro Cardenas a bright yellow.  That means no parking. Regular visitors to Bucerias will remember vehicles parked on both sides of the street, a couple of restaurants who had dining opportunities on part of the street, and the occasional delivery truck stopped on part of the roadway with 4way flashers flashing away.  Naturally, this was a traffic impediment with bottlenecks, blockages and occasional mayhem.

With the advent of no parking on one side, and the removal of restaurant tables and chairs, two clear traffic lanes have been created.  For those who walk or cycle in that area, you need to be aware that vehicular traffic is moving much faster.  I am not defending the drivers, just pointing out a valid safety concern.

Will we see more topes in our future?  Likely, yes, if the speeding keeps up. 

While on the subject of parking, have you seen how enforcement works?  Your license plate is removed by the officer, and you get a ticket under your windshield wiper.

Just go to the cashier’s window at the Juzgado Administrativo Municipal office, located in the Mega mall, between the grocery store and the gym. They’ll process your fine payment and hand back your license plate.   They’re open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm, and Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm.  We both worked in the justice system in Ontario and have some idea of the millions in dollars of outstanding fines.  This idea of removing the plates is rather clever, and eliminates that potential loss of revenue.

Pretty simple, really.