
A Whale of a Day

Kelly and I were lucky enough to be invited, along with friends, to enjoy the splendor of the humpback whales in Bahia de Banderas. Captain Dave invited us to meet him at the marina in Nuevo (almost said Vallarta) Nayarit. The marina is located by Eddie’s Place; more about that later. Captain Dave has a pretty nice sailboat, On Belay. As usual perfect weather, sunshine, sparkly water, gentle breeze.

Our Amigos, Debbie and Dave

We left the marina and ventured out into the bay. We usually spend most of our time on land, looking out at the water. Great change of perspective, on the water looking in at the land. Then we started seeing whale activity. Amazing. Like nothing else you have ever seen! Massive, sleek, shiny, flukes and fins. How does a mammal that large move with such grace? We followed a pod of five from a distance. They appeared to be playing. They were certainly travelling.

In addition to the visual delights, we were able to learn some of the background from Captain Dave. The humpbacks move from Alaska to various locations in western Mexico. The scientific community believes the overall pod in Bahia de Banderas numbers 142 whales. They arrive from Alaska in November, calve in December, and mate in late February. About mid-March they head back to Alaska. The timing to leave for Alaska is a decision made by the females. Sound familiar?

Captain Dave is an accomplished sailor, and when quizzed, admitted that the only continent he had not sailed on was Australia, although he has boated there, just not sailed. You get the idea. He took time to share something he loves doing with us. Thank you for that!

Oh yes Eddie’s Place. Having had a terrific experience, we of course asked Captain Dave if we could buy him a margarita or two at Eddie’s. Great ending to a perfect day. Discovered that margaritas give you sea legs on dry ground!

Eddie’s Place Nopal Beach: