
Deja Vu Again!

We are well into our fourth year in Bucerias. During the worst of the pandemic, we had lots of time to visit, in our memories, the reasons we live here. Kind of like painting by number. Each time you add a colour the picture becomes a little more clear.

Leo’s Place re-opened yesterday. The combo of Christina’s cooking and Leo’s happy face are probably the most important ingredients on the menu. Great food, great prices in an informal and well spaced seating arrangement in open air. Welcome back! We have added one more piece to the puzzle that will ultimately be Bucerias.

Breakfast at Karen’s this morning. Something about huevos rancheros with a side of surf sounds. Professionally served by Alex in a well ventilated, well spaced setting. Mid-morning and we have already had our temperature taken, disinfected the soles of our shoes, hands sanitized and managed to knock off one of my hearing aids that is supposed to fit behind my ear, along with my glasses and of course the strap for my mask.

Another piece of the puzzle from our former life returns tomorrow. FOREVER SPRING FARMER’S MARKET re-opens in the parking lot at La Comer. We will be there and have more to report later this week. Sure hope they don’t have any of that pork leg on a toasted bun. First lie I have told today!

We are fortunate to have family here for a few days. They were going to arrive March 19th last spring, but were forced to cancel on the 18th. Naturally we were concerned about their travel day. COVID is pretty serious stuff. How does one travel and how did you feel about it? This flight was direct, Toronto to Puerto Vallarta. Their experience at Pearson International in Toronto was that social distancing, sanitizing and mask wearing was the order of the day. Upon boarding, each passenger was given a grab bag. Whoa, is Air Canada giving away free stuff? Seems they are. The free stuff is a disposable mask, a small bottle of water, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, ear phones, and a message from Air Canada’s Chief Medical Officer. The arrival at PV airport was again well spaced, sanitizer, temperature taking, screening, masks. Professional and in accordance with the accepted protocols. Our family members felt confident and comfortable.

We are certainly not saying that the pandemic is over. It may never be over. This is not about letting your guard down. This is about living with the protocols. Colouring inside the lines. I almost forgot, a friend has convinced us to try peanut tequila. Will let you know how that went, or maybe not!