High Season

It’s High Season!
No, marijuana has not been legalized. Our winter friends are arriving daily it seems. That kind of high season. We refer to them as snowbirds, our Mexican friends call them “winter birds.” Drive by the airport in Puerto Vallarta, busy, busy, busy! Many local businesses closed for some needed time off during summer, or low season. Many did some renovations. All had an encounter with a paint brush!
Take a drive down Lazaro Cardenas. Walkers, joggers, bikers, some on sidewalks, some on the street, all in motion. You are guaranteed to see at least a dozen vehicles with four-way flashers on, some stopped, some mobile, some just driving. Add to that a couple dozen cement trucks, a couple of coke trucks, beer trucks, ice trucks, you get the idea. Our sleepy little town has been transformed.

The Day of the Dead, one of my favourite Mexican customs officially wrapped up Saturday, November 5th in Vallarta. Just in time for the Christmas merchandise that is magically growing in stores. For lovers of turkey dinner, there are four opportunities here. Canadian Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Next up American Thanksgiving! Count me in.
For those who might be interested, we got a flue shot at the Health Office, on the southbound lateral just south of Galleana. No charge, no wait time. Just a great public service.
That’s pretty much it for my musings today. Wait just a minute, Kelly, my wife, just informed me they are mutterings, not musings!